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National Strategy for the Development of Statistics Strategy 2024-2028

The National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS) 2024-2028 is a comprehensive framework aimed at enhancing the statistical system in Vanuatu. Its primary objectives include:

  • Improving Coordination and Management: Strengthening the National Statistical System (NSS) through better coordination among data providers, producers, and users.
  • Enhancing Data Quality and Range: Addressing data gaps and improving the quality and range of statistics to meet user needs.
  • Building Local Capacity: Developing the skills of statisticians, economists, and managers to ensure effective data collection, analysis, and dissemination.
  • Promoting the Use of Statistics: Increasing awareness and use of statistical information for policy design, evaluation, and decision-making processes.
  • Resource Mobilization: Securing funding and resources to support the implementation of the strategy.

The strategy aligns with national priorities and international standards, incorporating recommendations from the review of the previous NSDS (2016-2020). It aims to support Vanuatu's National Sustainable Development goals by integrating statistical work into national strategies, ensuring informed decision-making, and contributing to the well-being of the people of Vanuatu.

The NSDS 2024-2028 was developed through broad consultations with stakeholders and is guided by the United Nations Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics. It includes action plans for implementation, with progress monitored and evaluated by the Statistics Advisory Council (SAC).

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