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Vanuatu Constituency Profiles

Welcome to the Vanuatu Constituency Profiles page. Here, the public can access detailed profiles of Vanuatu's constituencies, providing valuable insights into the communities represented.

Each constituency profile offers comprehensive information tailored to the unique characteristics of its area. From demographic statistics to indicators such as population, migration, education, language literacy, female population fertility, female population child mortality, national ID card registration, kava, tobacco and alcohol consumption, type of living quarters, main materials used for walls, main materials used for floors, main materials used for roof, main source of drinking water, main source of washing water, main toilet facility, main form of household rubbish disposal, main source of lighting, main source of cooking energy, mosquito net usage, labour force status, working population by occupation, livestock, growing cash crops, fishing, source of income goods in kind, household durables in working condition, source of internet, purpose of accessing the internet, and source of information. These profiles aim to equip users with a deeper understanding of the constituents' needs and aspirations.

These profiles are open to everyone, ensuring transparency and fostering informed civic engagement. Members of Parliament (MP) can view all constituency profiles, allowing them to focus on specific issues, identify key challenges, and explore opportunities for development and improvement within their constituencies.

Our commitment to providing accurate and up-to-date information ensures that MPs, as well as the general public, can rely on these profiles as valuable resources. Whether it's for crafting policies, allocating resources, or addressing local concerns, these profiles serve as vital tools in facilitating informed decision-making and fostering meaningful engagement with constituents.

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