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Trusted Official Statistics for Good Governance and Evidence-Based Decision-Making


To build capacity in the national statistical systems of Vanuatu, promote data literacy, and enhance the use of trusted data for inclusive governance and evidence-based decision making.


The project is supported by the PARIS21 Trust Initiative, a global initiative aimed at building public trust in official data sources.

Key Stakeholders

Vanuatu Bureau of Statistics, Parliament of Vanuatu, statisticians, policy analysts, expenditure analysts in line ministries, and the Parliamentary Secretariat.

Project Status



Empowering Parliament with Trusted Statistics for Evidence-Based Decision Making

The Parliament of Vanuatu represents the highest level of decision making in the country and they need trusted statistics on how well they and government are performing, and the impact investment has had on development. Members of Parliament (MPs) and parliamentary civil servants (PCS) face barriers to using statistics for evidence-based policy making, compromising public trust and good governance. To address this capacity gap, the Vanuatu Bureau of Statistics (VBoS) developed the first ever Constituency Indicator Profiles in the country and trained MPs to use this information for the effective representation of their constituents. Additionally, VBoS delivered a training programme for PCS that centred on the development of evidence-based policy briefs for MPs.

Capacity Development Initiative: Promoting Data Use in Parliament for Informed Decision Making

A first of its kind capacity development initiative in Vanuatu, spearheaded by VBoS, the innovation focused on training and engagement with Parliament to promote data use for better decision-making. Parliamentary civil servants were trained to understand how to use quality trusted statistics to guide MPs to make the right choices for those they represent. The training culminated in developing evidence-based policy briefs related to Vanuatu’s highest policy framework- the National Sustainable Development Plan (NSDP) that has been aligned to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Building statistical capacity of MPs focused on using constituency indicator profiles developed from Vanuatu’s previous National Population & Housing Census data to make policy recommendations for the effective representation of their constituents. The Profiles reported on various themes and outlined several disaggregation variables to enable MPs to target marginalised subpopulations with interventions to leave no one behind. It is the first-time constituency profiles have been developed in Vanuatu.

Strengthening Collaboration: Enhancing the Role of Statistics in Parliamentary Decision Making

This is the first time that statisticians, policy analysts, expenditure analysts, Ministries and the Parliamentary Secretariat have worked together, improving the links within the Vanuatu National Statistical System, and enhancing coordination between data producers and users. Parliaments combined individual, organisational and system level capacity to use trusted statistics for decision-making was enhanced through targeted engagements and trainings. The VBoS also conducted a pre & post assessment to measure PCS progress. The results of this showed an increase in scores against 17 learning objectives. Improved collaboration between data producers and users will strengthen the ability of Parliament to hold government accountable. Better decisions by high level political influencers can potentially lead to improved services for the public. The capacity of VBoS statisticians and other data producers to engage with Parliament and provide data to inform policy and decision making was also improved through the design, implementation, and coordination of this innovation.

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