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hpi 2024

Vanuatu Regains Top Spot on Happy Planet Index!

VBoS is proud to announce that Vanuatu has once again secured the number one position on the Happy Planet Index (HPI) for 2024! This marks the second time Vanuatu has achieved this prestigious ranking, solidifying its position as a global leader in sustainable well-being.

The HPI, released on May 2nd, 2024, assesses a nation's success based on three key factors:

  • Well-being: How content are citizens with their lives?
  • Life Expectancy: How long do citizens typically live?
  • Ecological Footprint: How much environmental impact does the population have?

Vanuatu's impressive score reflects its strong cultural values, close connection to nature, and focus on achieving a balanced life. Despite a modest GDP per capita, Vanuatu excels in achieving high well-being scores with a minimal ecological footprint.

This achievement was celebrated at the Vanuatu Kaljoral Senta (VKS) in Port Vila, with government officials, representatives from NGOs, and the general public in attendance. Minister of Health, John Still Tari Qetu, highlighted the significance of the HPI as a measure of sustainable development, contrasting it with traditional economic metrics that often prioritize growth over well-being and environmental protection.

Vanuatu's Unique Path to Happiness

Vanuatu's success on the HPI can be attributed to several factors: 

  • Deep respect for the environment: Vanuatu's rich cultural heritage emphasizes a spiritual connection to the land, leading to sustainable practices and traditional resource management techniques. 
  • Focus on well-being: The Vanuatu Bureau of Statistics (VBoS) has been instrumental in collecting life satisfaction data since 2010, making Vanuatu the only Pacific Island Country included in the HPI.

While celebrating this accomplishment, Vanuatu acknowledges there's room for improvement. The government is committed to addressing challenges such as education, economic development, and social issues. 

A Model for the World

Vanuatu's journey serves as a model for other nations, demonstrating that achieving long-term well-being is possible without compromising the environment. The country remains dedicated to preserving its unique cultural heritage and pristine environment while building a brighter future for all its citizens.

Read more: Vanuatu celebrates top ranking in Happy Planet Index | News |

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