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Port Vila Central Market Survey - December 2023

The Port Vila Central Market Survey summarises selected agricultural produces sold at the main wet market based on the Supply and Price of commodities. Data is collected on a fortnightly basis, analysed and published as quarterly average and by commodity groups.

Summary of Findings

The Port Vila Market Survey of December quarter of 2023 showed an overall Volume decrease of -28 percent on the supply of commodities while the overall price increased by 14 percent compared to the previous quarter.

  • Decrease in the volume of Staple, Fruits and Vegetables produce supplied to the market contributed to the decrease in the overall volume index compared to the previous quarter. 
  • The value of commodities decreased by -40 percent at just over VT1 million.  
  • An average of 162 sellers was recorded for the quarter under review.  


The Port Vila Market Survey in December quarter of 2023 showed an overall volume decrease of -28 percent compared to the previous quarter. Staple, Fruits and Vegetables produce contributed to the decrease in the overall volume. (Refer to table 1 & 4).


The overall price increased by 14 percent compared to the previous quarter. Staple and Fruits produce contributed to the increase in overall price. (Refer to table 2 & 5).

Staple Food Produce

The supply of Staple food produce decreased by -11 percent when compared to the previous quarter, while the average price increased by 29 percent in the same quarter under review. Commodities that contributed to the decrease in volume were Fiji Taro at -49 percent, Island Taro at -45 percent, Manioc and Dried coconut at -30 percent each and Green Banana at -9 percent. When compared to the same quarter of the previous year, the volume of Staple food decreased by -34 percent, while it’s weighted average price increased by 59 percent. (Refer to table 1 & 2).


Fruit Produce

An overview of Fruits supplied to Port Vila Central Market in the quarter under review showed an overall decrease of -18 percent compared to the previous quarter. Fruits that contributed to the decrease in volume were, Water Melon at -97 percent and Green coconut at -7 percent. The average price per kilograms of fruits produced increased by 17 percent in the quarter under review When compared to the same quarter of the previous year, the quantity supplied of fruits to the Central Market decreased by -65 percent and the average price per kilograms increased by 97 percent. (Refer to table 1 & 2).


Vegetable Produce

The supply of Vegetables to the Port Vila Central Market in December quarter of 2023 recorded an overall decrease of -46 percent and the average price per kilograms decreased by -17 percent compared to the previous quarter. Vegetables produces that contribute to the decrease in vegetables supplies includes, Chinese cabbage at -94 percent, White bowl cabbage at -61 percent, cucumber at -51 percent, pumpkin at -41 percent, lettuce at -22 percent, carrot at -10 percent and purple bowl cabbage at -8 percent.When compared to the same quarter of the previous year, the supply of vegetables supplied to the market increased by 22 percent and its average weighted price also increased by 14 percent. (Refer to table 1 & 2).


Sellers per Commodity Groups

December quarter of 2023 recorded a total average of 162 sellers1 at the Port Vila Central Market which is a decrease of 29 vendors when compared to the previous quarter and a decrease of 91 vendors when compared to the same quarter of the previous year.

When compared to the previous quarter, Fruits produce vendors increased by 97 percent while Vegetables produce vendors decreased by 30 percent and Staple produce vendors also decreased by 13 percent in the quarter under review.

When compared to December quarter of 2022, Staple, Vegetables and Fruits produces decreased by -47 percent, -59 percent, and -11 percent respectively. (Refer to table 6).


Value of Supplies

The average value of commodities at the Port Vila Central Market in the quarter under review recorded a value of VT1,043,230. This is an overall decrease of -40 percent compared to the previous quarter and a decrease of -6 percent in the same quarter of the previous year. (Refer to table 3).


Vegetables produce registered the largest share in value at 45 percent. Vegetable produce decreased by VT501,000 over the previous quarter and increased by VT163,000 compared to the same quarter of the previous year. Staple produce registered the second highest share in value at 34 percent. Staple produce decreased by VT49,000 over the previous quarter and decreased by VT71,000 over the same quarter of the previous year. Fruits produce shared the least in value at 21 percent. Fruits produced decreased by VT139,000 in value over the previous quarter and decreased by VT164,000 over the same quarter of the previous year.

Concepts and Definitions

The Port Vila Market Survey was instigated to measure the price and volume of specific agricultural produces in the  main market. The survey is conducted on a fortnightly basis.

The data analysed in this report shows quarterly average supply and prices of the commodities under study. Weights are based on 2016 using HIES 2010 and Agriculture Census 2007 and were used henceforth.

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