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Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys 2023


  • To collect crucial data on the situation of children and women in Vanuatu.
  • To assess their well-being and progress in areas like education, child protection, access to water and sanitation.
  • To provide insights that will inform decision-making processes and shape policies for the betterment of children, women, and households across Vanuatu.


  • VT90 million (total project value)
  • Main Sponsor: MFAT (New Zealand government)
  • Additional Supporters: UNFPA, UNICEF

Key Stakeholders

  • United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
  • Vanuatu Bureau of Statistics (VBoS)
  • Vanuatu Government (Ministry of Finance and Economic Management)
  • New Zealand Government (MFAT)

Project Status

  • Data Collection: Completed (July - September 2023)
  • Data Analysis: Drafted (November - December 2023)
  • Final Report: Dissemination expected around April - May 2024

Shedding Light on a Crucial Issue

Ensuring the well-being of children and women is paramount for Vanuatu's development.  The Vanuatu Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS 2023) addressed this critical concern by gathering comprehensive data on the situation of these vulnerable groups.  This large-scale survey, a collaborative effort spearheaded by UNICEF and supported by the Vanuatu Bureau of Statistics (VBoS) and the Vanuatu government, aimed to illuminate the realities faced by children and women in the island nation.

Over 60 enumerators underwent rigorous training to collect data from more than 4,760 households across Vanuatu's six provinces.  The survey delved into a wide range of topics, including access to education, child protection measures, and the availability of clean water and sanitation.  This vital information will unveil valuable insights into areas where progress has been achieved and where further support is crucial.  By understanding the current situation, policymakers can develop targeted interventions to improve the lives of children and women.

A Collaborative Effort for Positive Change

The financial backing for this important project came from a consortium of organizations.  The New Zealand government's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) served as the primary sponsor, with additional support provided by UNFPA and UNICEF.  This collaborative approach exemplifies the global commitment to ensuring the well-being of children and women everywhere.

The Vanuatu MICS 2023 represents a significant leap forward in comprehending the needs of children and women in Vanuatu.  The collected data will play a pivotal role in shaping policies and programs that promote their well-being.  With continued international collaboration and unwavering local dedication, Vanuatu can pave the way for a brighter future for its most vulnerable citizens.

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